What to Expect During a Dental Implant Procedure?

 You may have heard about dental implants or are thinking about getting dental implants. However, there are a lot of people who don't know anything about it.

This is why they are so hesitant to have dental implants. It would be easier to decide if this is something you want to do until you know what to expect during the procedure. This is what you need to know about what to expect during a dental procedure, as well as answers to certain often asked questions.

What is a dental implant?

First and foremost, what exactly is a dental implant? Those are the screws that would be implanted in your gums. Then they are screwing teeth onto the screws.  Making sure that you have teeth, where there weren't any.  The screws will keep the tooth in place to prevent it from falling out as veneers do. Also, read about Crown Dental Bakersfield

This is something that people who have lost a tooth and do not want to get veneers for are thinking of. For others, this may be only one tooth, and for some, it may be many teeth that need dental implants.

How long will it take and is this painful?

How long would it take to complete this procedure? Many people's first thought is to ask this question. The answer is determined by the number of implants you will get. The further implants you get, the longer it will take. It would take around one or two hours for a single tooth implant. The more teeth there are, the longer it will be.

It's a little painful and uncomfortable at first. Just like the other surgery. However, the doctor will prescribe you some effective pain relievers to keep the discomfort under control. Some people have more pain and suffering than others. It all depends on how much pain you can handle.

Preparation for the surgery

There are a few things that must be completed prior to the surgery. A couple of days before the surgery, you may need to clean your mouth with a special mouthwash. You will also be given antibiotics to take before going in for surgery.

You would also need someone to drive you to the appointment and return you home. This is due to the drugs you will be getting. You will be given eating instructions depending on whether you are going to be sedated locally or anesthetized. It is also important to ask all of the questions you have before undergoing surgery. Also, read about Crown Dental Bakersfield CA

What happens on the day of the surgery?

The first step of the implant will be delivered to you on the day of surgery. Where the implant will be implanted into the gums. This is where they cut your gums and place them into your jawbone.

They will complete the second phase of the implant in a few months. Where the tooth is being inserted. Again, they will need to cut the gum in order to insert the tooth into the implant. But, sometimes this isn’t necessary.

If you are considering getting dental implants, then you might want to know as much about these implants as possible. This is why you need to make sure that you know all these things before you are considering the implants. It’s a great way to get new, permanent teeth where you might have lots of them. 

Bakersfield Smile Design offers a wide array of cosmetic dentistry options to provide each patient with optimal dental care. From repairing a small chip on a front tooth to designing an overall rehabilitation, Bakersfield Smile Design can transform your smile and change your life. We’ve been doing it for years, for hundreds of patients. To know more about Dental Implants Bakersfield CA. visit us now.


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